There’s nothing that I love more than reading, getting, and making food from fellow bloggers cookbooks! Especially when they include paleo/gluten free cereal. Yep, Kelly had me at cereal. Paleo Eats will have you there too. I cannot wait to make some of the other recipes - super, duper easy coconut flour chocolate chip cookies, anyone? Even if you don’t win this book, you must HAVE this book! (You can preorder it on Amazon, here). So that means if you also win, you’re going to get it before it even is released! Double awesome!
Here’s the recipe for some awesome coconut cinnamon cereal (next time I may need to throw in some chocolate). Enter the giveaway below & Good Luck!!
- 1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
- ½ cup raw sunflower seeds
- 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
- ¼ teaspoon sea salt
- ¼ cup maple syrup
- large egg
- ½ teaspoon melted coconut oil
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
- Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Place the coconut shreds and sunflower seeds in a food processor and grind for 30 seconds.
- Add the cinnamon, salt, maple syrup, egg, and coconut oil and pulse until combined, about 2 minutes.
- Scoop the mixture onto the prepared baking sheet.
- Cover with a second piece of parchment paper and with a rolling pin, roll to ¼-inch thick. Remove and discard the top piece of parchment paper.
- With a wet knife, score the dough into 1-inch squares.
- Place in the oven and bake for 10 to 15 minutes, until firm to the touch.
- Remove from the oven and let sit on the pan for 15 minutes to allow it to crisp up.
- Store in an airtight jar in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.
you can never have enough ideas for meals and snacks.
Meg, I’m totally interested in the paleo diet based on what you have been sharing over the years on Facebook!
I have loved your recipes and would love to see more and have them to flip through when I need some inspiration!
I love your recipes and would love more inspiration!
I love incorporating new meals!
Love this!!! Hope I win! <3
Cereal is something I do miss. Thanks for sharing the new book!
I love Kelly and her cookbook looks awesome!!!! Thanks for sponsoring the giveaway. My husband and4 kiddos would love these recipes as I help them transition to Paleo over the next 3 months. I need all the inspiration I can get to keep them onboard!!!!
Looks like a great book. I really need some new recipe inspiration.
I feel my best when I eat grain-free and lately my diet has been bad. I want to get back to healthy eating to relieve some of my pain. This wonderful book would give me some new ideas to help with that.